Monday, December 7, 2015


Demeter is the goddess of corn,grain and harvest.Demeter is the daughter of Cronus and Rhea. She is the goddess of the earth and  agriculture. Her roman name is Ceres.  It is said that Demeter has a daughter that is named Persephone.

 I heard in a myth that one day Persephone was walking around when  Hades abducted her. When Demeter came back because she was at a council god meeting  She was ferocious and went to talk to Zeus. When they went and realize that is was Hades. It was to late Persephone already ate pomegranate seeds. Zeus made a deal that said Persephone had to spend 4 months each year in the underworld.  While in those four months Demeter  grieving her gifts from the world creating winter.