Monday, December 7, 2015


Demeter is the goddess of corn,grain and harvest.Demeter is the daughter of Cronus and Rhea. She is the goddess of the earth and  agriculture. Her roman name is Ceres.  It is said that Demeter has a daughter that is named Persephone.

 I heard in a myth that one day Persephone was walking around when  Hades abducted her. When Demeter came back because she was at a council god meeting  She was ferocious and went to talk to Zeus. When they went and realize that is was Hades. It was to late Persephone already ate pomegranate seeds. Zeus made a deal that said Persephone had to spend 4 months each year in the underworld.  While in those four months Demeter  grieving her gifts from the world creating winter.      

Monday, November 9, 2015


Athena is the goddess of wisdom, courage,  and crafts. Her roman form is Minerva. Her parents are Mites and Zeus. There are myths that say she was born from Zeus head. Athena is the patron of  Athens. She is fierce and brave in battles. She is also the goddess of reason and  intelligent . Turns out  I think  that she didn't have a mother she just sprang full grown out of Zeus head. She is symbolized as an owl. She invented the brindle. Her tree was  the olive tree.


Hera  is wife of Zeus and sister. She is the goddess  of marriage, and childbirth she had an interest in protecting married women. Her animal/sacred are the cows and peacocks. Her parents were the titans Cronus and Rhea. She is the queen of the gods. Her roman name is Juno. Her children are Hephaestus and Ares.  

Friday, October 23, 2015


Aphrodite is the goddess of  love, desire and beauty. She was  married to Hephaestus. But she has an affair with Ares. Her roman name is Venus. She has a magical girdle/ pouch that everyone desire her. She is the daughter of Zeus and Dione. There are myths that say she arose from the water on a shell. she is the eldest Olympian. 


Hermes is the god of travelers,road, thieves, of trade, and messenger of the god. He is the second youngest son. His roman form is Mercury. His parents are Zeus and Maia. Hermes weapon is caduceus. He has two snakes they are called Martha and George.
His weapon and symbol. 

His symbol. Shoes that Zeus gave him.


 Hades is the god of the underworld. He is the brother of Zeus and Poseidon. He is also the ruler of the  dead. In Greek mythology all the people who died would go to the underworld. He had a helmet of invisibility. He rarely left the underworld. He was married to Persephone. His father is Cronus.  He abducted her to let her change her on marrying her. At first she didn't want to marry him.  

Monday, October 12, 2015


Zeus is the god of thunderstorms. Zeus had two brothers they were Poseidon and Hades.His father was Kronos. His job is to go have kids with other women. His wife gets mad because she doesn't like what he does.In the books of Rick Riordon it is known that he is in Manhattan New York in the empire state building. His roman form is known as Jupiter. The pack of the big three. In the Lighting Thief Percy finds out of the big three. The big three are Poseidon, Hades and Zeus.I think the book said that they made the pack before or after world war two. The pack was made to have no more kids because they were dangerous. Zeus is feared in Olympus.   



Poseidon is the god of the sea. He is the god of earthquakes, storm-bringer, he also created horses. His mother is Rhea. In Rome his name is Neptune. His weapon is a trident.  His symbol is a  dolphin, and trident, and fish. When he gets made he makes a huge waves causing shipwrecks, crashes ships and sinks or floods islands. He can speak to horses.

My favorite god is Poseidon I wish I can be a daughter of him so I can speak to horses, control the water, breathe under water,  will be able to see under water. He is not a good dad. He has kids with other women. Even when he is married to Amphitrite. He had two children with her they were called Triton, and Rhode.
He doesn't really look like this i just couldn't find one that's appropriate

Monday, October 5, 2015


Zeus is the god of  lighting,and all the other gods, he is king of Olympus .If you wanna  learn more about Greek mythology you can read Percy Jackson series.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

About me

 Hi I'm Kimberly Vazquez I'm 12 years old. I like to read a lot. My favorite color is sea green, blue,and pink.I love to go to school because i want to learn, have a good education, and have a good career. When i grow up i want to be a doctor, nurse, or be a detective.I'm going to be writing about Greek and roman mythology. I'm going to talk about the gods, what they do, why and other stuff.