Monday, October 12, 2015


Poseidon is the god of the sea. He is the god of earthquakes, storm-bringer, he also created horses. His mother is Rhea. In Rome his name is Neptune. His weapon is a trident.  His symbol is a  dolphin, and trident, and fish. When he gets made he makes a huge waves causing shipwrecks, crashes ships and sinks or floods islands. He can speak to horses.

My favorite god is Poseidon I wish I can be a daughter of him so I can speak to horses, control the water, breathe under water,  will be able to see under water. He is not a good dad. He has kids with other women. Even when he is married to Amphitrite. He had two children with her they were called Triton, and Rhode.
He doesn't really look like this i just couldn't find one that's appropriate

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