I have nothing to write about help
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Monday, May 23, 2016
Monday, May 16, 2016
Need ideas
Hey guys i need help can you guys tell me what you guys want me to write. I am done with all the Rick Riordan series i have read.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
The Blood of Olympus
It is the last book in Rick Riordan Heroes of Olympus series . It is about when Percy, Annabeth, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Jason, and Piper are on their way to Greece to stop the giants and Gaea. Nico, Reyna and Coach Hedge are shadow traveling. Nico took the responsibility of shadow traveling the Athena Parthenos to Camp half blood. Nico takes short jumps and he always has to rest after his jumps. In Argo two Leo is working on a project meaning that he is rebuilding Festus his dragon. Festus is the dragon that he found in the woods at camp half-blood. Frank,Hazel, Piper and Percy to meet the goddess Nike
Monday, May 2, 2016
The House of Hades
The House of Hades is the fourth book in Rick Riordan Heroes of Olympus series. It is about when Piper,Jason,Leo, Hazel and Frank to go to the doors of death. Nico is there because he promised Percy to take the others to the doors of death after he and Annabeth were fallen into Tartarus. When Leo is on duty with Hazel and Nico. Hazel tells them to wait on the ship because she sees Arion her horse. When she gets on Arion's back he speeds into a fog. In the fog there is Hecate she offers Hazel tea. Annabeth and Percy are struggling in Tartarus. Annabeth remembers reading that in Tartarus there is a River of Fire it has healing properties. When they are get to the river Annabeth goes first and has to put her hand because Percy doesn't have the strength to do it. After she is done helping Percy she realizes that he is getting his color back and back to his usually self.
Monday, April 25, 2016
The Mark of Athena
The Mark of Athena is the third book in Rick Riordan Heroes of Olympus Series. it is about when Annabeth, Jason, piper and Leo are in the Argo 2 going to camp Jupiter. Leo built it himself it took him about six months to built it. When they get to the camp they are greeted by and explosion caused by Terminus. He is the one that guards the border. When Annabeth is down from the ship she quickly sees Percy and runs up to him and kiss. Percy is happy and welcomes his new friends Hazel and Frank. Annabeth notices that Percy has a mark on his forearm showing that he is a leader. Renya tells them that they will eat under the shadow of their ship.
Monday, April 18, 2016
The son of Neptune continued
I left of when the camp refers to the gods on there roman name. When Percy,Hazel,Frank and the old lady Percy is carrying. The old lady transforms into Juno the roman form of Hera. The whole camp is outside. When she transforms into Juno all the campers knell down Percy doesn't do it. The whole camp stands up and they all look at Percy because he didn't bow down/ kneel down. Juno tells them that Percy is son of Neptune(roman form of Poseidon). Reyna goes to the front and she sees Percy. When she does all the color in her face washed out, but she composes herself. She tells Hazel and Percy to go with her. after she is done with them she tells Hazel to explain to her who she is. When they are done talking Renya tells Percy to take out the pen that is in his pocket the pen transforms into a sword after Percy uncaps the tap.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
The Son of Neptune
It is the second book in Rick Riordan in the Heroes of Olympus series. The book is mostly about Percy's point of view. Percy Jackson doesn't remember anything. He is being chased by the Gorgon sisters. When he is running, he stops by and runs by an old lady who says that he has two choices.
The first choice was to go to Tiber to remember his memory and save the world or go to the ocean and leave a happy live. If he chooses to go to Tiber he will have to carry the old lady. Which is really Hera disguised as an old lady. He chooses to carry the old lady. When he goes there he comes across Hazel and Frank. When they get to Camp Jupiter. The old lady Percy is carrying turns into Juno as they refer to them in the camp. Camp Jupiter refers to the god as there roman name.
The first choice was to go to Tiber to remember his memory and save the world or go to the ocean and leave a happy live. If he chooses to go to Tiber he will have to carry the old lady. Which is really Hera disguised as an old lady. He chooses to carry the old lady. When he goes there he comes across Hazel and Frank. When they get to Camp Jupiter. The old lady Percy is carrying turns into Juno as they refer to them in the camp. Camp Jupiter refers to the god as there roman name.
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Wednesday, April 6, 2016
The Lost Hero
The lost hero is the first book in Rick Riordan second series the heroes of Olympus. It is about when Piper,Leo, and Jason are in the wilderness school. Jason on the bus but he doesn't remember any of the people especially Piper and Leo. They are going to the grand canyon. When they find out that Dylan is a storm spirit. Jason feels something on his pocket it is a golden coin that quickly turns into a sword when he thinks it was time. He had to flip it so it can turn into a sword. Coach Hedge goes over the canyon to save Leo. Jason then goes and tries to save Piper. Annabeth and Butch who is a son of Iris. They come to save them. When they are going to the camp they crash on the lake. Leo automatically gets claim by the god Hephaestus. When Annabeth is giving Piper a tour she is drawn to Hera's cabin. They don't know that Rachel is in there. Jason gets a quest and takes Piper and Leo. Leo fixes the dragon sand calls it Festus.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
The Battle of the Labyrinth
The Battle of the Labyrinth is the fourth book in Rick Riordan series. It is about when Percy is at a school orientation and a girl Rachel Elizabeth Dare tells him that the cheerleaders are really empousai. When they are outside Annabeth sees him with Rachel and gets mad. When they get to camp Annabeth goes and talks to Clarissa. Percy goes to the arena and sees a heelhound. They are playing capture the flag when Percy and Annabeth go and hid behind a boulder. They fall under a cave/tunnel when they get out it was already night. Chiron says that they found an entrance to the Labyrinth. Annabeth gets a quest to lead the people through the labyrinth. They meet the goddess Hera who says that the only reason she came to meet them was to grant Annabeth a wish. She asked for a way to navigate the maze. Percy doesn't get what she was saying because she said that he knew the answer. When he figured out what she meant he thought it could be Rachel because she could see through the mist. when they go through one of the way that are in the labyrinth. They end up in a jail cell. when they wonder around they find the hundred handed one. When they leave they find a ranch which Nico is in. Nico ran away from camp after he found out that his sister Bianca De Angelo died.
Monday, March 21, 2016
The Last Olympian
It is the last book in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. The book is about when Percy is driving without Rachel when Blackjake lands on the hood of the Percy's stepdad car . Charles Beckendorf is on the back and has his combat clothes on. Percy knew it was coming. The Princess Andromeda ship of Cronus that has a bunch of monsters that would go to New York and destroy the city. They see the ship around midnight. They set Greek fire explosive in the engine. Beckendorf is captured he has a watch that sets the explosives on. Percy said no but is was too late he already pushed the watch. Percy sinks in the water and is found by Tyson his step brother the cyclope. Poseidon tells him that it is time for him to know the Prophecy. The prophecy is A half blood of the eldest gods. Shall reach sixteen against all odds. And see the world in endless sleep. The hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap. A single choice shall end his days. Olympus to preserve or raze. Cronus tells Percy that their is a spy in camp. Ms. O'leary is Percy hell hound. Percy thinks to beat Luke/ Cronus which is possessing Luke's body.
Monday, March 7, 2016
continued the Titan's Curse
When Percy's friends come save him. The hunters of Artemis also show up and they do most of the saving them. Dr. Thorn takes them to the top of a cliff. Later a silver arrow passes Percy and it hits the manticore. Dr. Thorn is able to take the silver arrow out, but more silver arrows are thrown at him. later the hunters get out of there hidden places which are behind bushes. When Dr. Thorn realizes that they are the hunters of Artemis he lunges himself to Thalia and Percy. Knowing that they are weak and stun Annabeth jumps on his back with her knife at her hand. It was too late the hunters already released there bows at the Manticore. When they release there arrows that makes Dr.Thorn fall of the cliff taking Annabeth with him. The hunters set up camp right there after they tried to explain to Percy that Annabeth is gone. Artemis reroutes Bianca to be a hunter she agrees. Artemis tells the hunters and Percy's friends that she will call on her twin brother to get them to Camp half-blood. Apollo lets Thalia drive his car.
Monday, February 29, 2016
The Titan's Curse
The Titan's curse is the third book in the series of Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Rick Riordan wrote this one to. It is about when Percy, Annabeth, and Thalia go to the school called Westover Hall so they can meet up with Grover who is over there. Grover says that he found two powerful demigods they were Nico and Bianca Di Angelo. They don't know that they are demigods. If they do find out that they are demigods they will be in danger monsters will start to attack them. Grover thinks they are both son and daughter of Hades. Nico and Bianca are brother and sistersd. When they get there Thalia uses mist to the man Dr.Thorn who uses the vise principle. Grover also informs them that Dr.Thorn is a manticore. When the plan backfires to get the kids because Dr.Thorn is standing around them. Percy has to dance with Annabeth so they can blend in with the crowd. While they are dancing they lose track of time and the kids. When he can't spot his friends he decides to go after them . When he is trying to grab the Dr.Thorn throws a thorn and it grazes his shoulder. When Percy is to weak to fight he realizes that there is poison that has entered his system. Percy has no choice, but to listen to Dr. Thorn talk about the great stirring. Since Grover gave Percy a thing that they can communicate if someone tries to give someone a message. It works Grover and the rest come and save him.
Monday, February 22, 2016
Continued lighting Thief
Before Percy is gonna go to camp he over hears Grover and Chiron talking about him. They are talking about that Percy should not find out that he is a half-blood. Percy is twelve years old. He has ADHD and dyslexia. He is never home he is expelled from every he has attended. When he is in 6th grade his class goes on a field trip. While he is on the field trip one of his classmate called Nancy Bobofit bullies Grover.When Percy sees Grover being bullied he gets mad and water shots from a nearby fountain. Mrs.Dodds takes Percy inside the building. When they are inside the building Mrs.Dodds turns into a fury. Chiron is walking by but since he is on a wheelchair he throws Percy his pen that transforms itself into a sword. The whole year everyone thinks that there was never a Mrs. Dodds in the school. In Percy school Chiron is known as Mr. Brunner is his history teacher. When they are at the camp. They put Percy in the Hermes camp. Hermes camp gets all the newcomers and the kids that are from Hermes. When they get there one of the kids that are in the classroom ask Annabeth if Percy is determined or undetermined. Since Percy was new he didn't know what to reply to that. Luke is the cabin head counselor. Clarrise from the Ares cabin drags Percy by the neck, hair, or the ear. She drags him to the restroom and tries to put his head in the toilet. When she is trying to a spray of toilet water gets in her face. Then her friends try to stop her. All the other toilet sprayed them too. Everyone got soaked that was in the bathroom and even Annabeth got wet. Where Percy was he didn't wet not everything that was around him. Percy gets claimed when he is playing capture the flag . He gets claimed by Poseidon. A trident appears over his head . There was a greenish blueish circle with a trident in it.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Continued of Sea of Monsters.
The three gray sisters give Percy a number they are 30, 31, 75, and 12. They were longitude and latitude for the Sea Of Monsters.When Percy, Annabeth and Tyson get to camp they see that Clarrise and her cabin mates are trying to fight of bulls. Annabeth tries to explain that Tyson can help, but Percy does not listen. You see since Tyson is a cyclopes they are immune to fire. Annabteth is a daughter of Athena goddess of wisdom and literature. When Percy gets the vision of the golden fleece and Grover. The next day they have a meeting. Clarissa is chosen to do the / go on the quest instead of Percy. They get on a huge argument on who should go.At night Percy sneaks out of the bucks after curfews because he can't sleep. When he is walking on the beach he meets the god Hermes.Hermes convince Percy to go the quest. Tyson and Annabeth run up to Percy Hermes is already gone saying that they heard him scream Help!!Help!! Tyson said. At the end of the book When Clarissa already put the fleece on Thalia's tree the next day they saw a girl on the ground. Annabeth didn't sleep all night because she was protecting the tree. The girl that was on the ground was Thalia daughter of Zeus.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
From know on i am gonna write about the story's of Rick Riordon. I am gonna write about what they are about. How has everyone been.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
The Sea of Monsters
The Sea of Monsters is the second book of Rick Riordon first series. It is about when Percy is in Meriwether college prep school . He has a friend who's name is Tyson. Percy doesn't know he is a cyclopes. Cyclopes are sons of Poseidon they have one eye. They are so ugly that when they are born their mother's throw them or leave them on the streets. When Annabeth goes to get Percy she tells him that Tyson is a Cyclops. Tyson is Percy half brother. He is normally 6 feet tall. When they were trying to go to camp half-blood Annabeth by calling the gray sisters with a coin on a taxi. Chiron is fired from the camp director because Cronus is his father so Dionysus thinks he poisoned Thalia's tree. Percy goes on a quest to get the golden fleece so he can save Thalia's tree. Percy takes Annabeth and Tyson for his quest. It really isn't his quest he just goes because he is out after curfew hours. Hermes Luke's father tells him to go and gives Percy two gifts. When Percy is sleeping he gets a vision telling him that Grover is in trouble because he is captured by the cyclopes Polyphemus. Annabeth had a bad past with cyclops and that is why she hates Tyson she doesn't really hate him she just doesn't like being near one.
The lighting thief
The book Lighting Thief was wrote by Rick Riordon. It is about a boy named Percy Jackson. He doesn't know he is a demigod. A demigod is also referred as to a half-blood it is half human and half-blood. He causes problems without him knowing. He has a friend named Grover. He doesn't know Grover is a satyr a satyr is half-goat and half human. his upper body is human the lower body is full of fur. His father is Poseidon god of the sea. Zeus is the god of the sky and king of the gods. Zeus accused Percy for stealing his lighting bolt. Ares was the one who stole the lighting bolt and Hades helm. He didn't really steal it other gods can't take other gods belongings. Luke son of Hermes stole both of the things that were stolen. Percy took Annabeth and Grover for his quest. He had Chiron for his history teacher and so was the camp director. When they were playing capture the flag a monster camp into the camp and was trying to kill Percy. Luke was the one that summoned the hell-hound from Tartures. His mother is Sally who is a human. Percy fights a Minotaur when his mom Sally, Grover and him trying to get to Camp half-blood. A Minotaur is a half bull and half human. When they are fighting Percy tries to protect his mom and Grover. When the bull sees that he is gonna lose he grabs Percy's mom and crushes her in his hands. Percy gets mad and defeats the Minotaur . He has one of the bull's horn in his hand and doesn't let go.
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Is the goddess of magic and witch craft. She is usually seen with 2 torches in her hand. Hecate parents are the titans Perses and Asteria. Her roman name is Trivia. In the first war against titans she sided with the Olympians. She supported the titans in the second titan war. She is also the goddess of mist and sorcery. Hecate is a minor goddess.
Monday, February 1, 2016
Hercules is hes roman name Heracles is his Greek name. He is a son of Zeus and mortal Alcmena. He had to do ten Labours because i think he had to prove himself.When the Greeks came they thought that he needed a better name so they said his name would be Hercules instead of Heracles. Hercules is known for his strength.
Artemis is the goddess of chastity, virginity, the moon, the hunt, and the natural environment. She is daughter of Zeus and Leto. Her roman form is Diana. Her symbol are arrows, bow, hunting dog and moon. Her mother Leto gave birth to her and Apollo on an island called Ortygia. Her twin brother is Apollo. When Artemis was born she helped her mother give birth to Apollo.
I got some of the information in http://www.greekmythology.com/Olympians/Artemis/artemis.html, http://riordan.wikia.com/wiki/Hunters_of_Artemis, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artemis#Birth
I got some of the information in http://www.greekmythology.com/Olympians/Artemis/artemis.html, http://riordan.wikia.com/wiki/Hunters_of_Artemis, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artemis#Birth
She also has a group called the The Hunters of Artemis. It is only for girls. Girls that chose too be in the hunters of Artemis they can't decide to do it they have to show bravery. If they do end up being on the team / groups they swore of loyalty to join her in the Hunt they reject boys for the rest of their lives. They become immortal; as long as they do not break their vows. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Perseus was the first person who defeated Medusa. He was the son of Zeus and mortal Danae. His siblings are Ares, Apollo, Athena, Dionysus, Hermes, Aphrodite, Heracles, Artemis, Hephaestus those are all the ones that I know.
He saved Andromeda form the sea of monster Cetus.Some of his children are Perseas, Gorgophone, Heleus, and Electryon. Perseus married Andromeda. After he slayed the monster setting her free and when he was done he claimed her for marriage. When Perseus cut off Medusa head a Pegasus flew off from her neck. Two gorgons pursued him, but he escaped.
He saved Andromeda form the sea of monster Cetus.Some of his children are Perseas, Gorgophone, Heleus, and Electryon. Perseus married Andromeda. After he slayed the monster setting her free and when he was done he claimed her for marriage. When Perseus cut off Medusa head a Pegasus flew off from her neck. Two gorgons pursued him, but he escaped.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Hestia is the goddess of the hearth,life and domestic life. Hetsia roman form is Vesta. Her symbol is a hearth with fire. Her parents are Cronus and Rhea. Some siblings are Demeter, Poseidon,. Zeus, Chiron, Hera, and Hades. She was the eldest of Cronus and Rhea. Her parents are The Titans Rhea and Cronus. Hestia is an Olympian for the first generation. The other then her being in the first generation Hera and Demeter are also in the first generation too. She is the eldest daughter of the Titans Cronus and Rhea. Hestia is not married. In a myth i heard that Zeus and Poseidon asked her for marriage.
Monday, January 11, 2016
Ares is the god of war. He is the son of Zeus and Hera. In most of the myths i have read he is violent. He does not have eyes he has sockets. He wears glasses to cover up his eyes. He and Aphrodite date even though Aphrodite is married to Hephaestus . Ares symbol is a boar. Ares has kids like Clarisse La Rue that are violent and mean. He expects them to be mean to everyone and to be at the top of everything. His roman form is Mars.Mars is more warlike the Ares.
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