Monday, April 18, 2016

The son of Neptune continued

    I left of when the camp refers to the gods on there roman name.  When Percy,Hazel,Frank and the old lady Percy is carrying. The old lady transforms into Juno the roman form of Hera. The whole camp is outside. When she transforms into Juno all the campers knell down Percy doesn't do it. The whole camp stands up and they all look at Percy because he didn't bow down/ kneel down. Juno tells them that Percy is son of Neptune(roman form of Poseidon).     Reyna goes to the front and she sees Percy. When she does all the color in her face washed out, but she composes herself. She tells Hazel and Percy to go with her. after she is done with them she tells Hazel to explain to her who she is.  When they are done talking Renya  tells Percy to take out the pen that is in his pocket the pen transforms into a sword after Percy uncaps the tap.

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